
phrasal verb participle part of speech paperback pack opinion on line nover noun needlework needle myth musical instrument music mouse monitor telegraph pole taxi tax synagogue supermarket suburb streetlight street storey starter spend special offer snack bar slum skyscraper shopping mall shopping list set menu service charge teapot talker table suite suit stool stick spoon spell speaker sorceress sorcerer sofa snore sleep sideboard shelf tell off tell talk surname stranger stepsister stepbrother stamp speak son sister-in-law sister sir signal sign language remind remember reference book reboot reasonable reading radio quotation marks question mark punctuation publish proper noun pronunciation pronoun program problem private preposition possessive take out sweep sunflower suitcase stopper stalk stain spring cleaning spotless sponge spanner spade sow soil soap soak up shower shine sharp windscreen wheel west waterfall voyage volcano village view valley cleaner chef career calculator butcher busy builder briefcase bricklayer boss barber banking bank clerk artist argument argue flick fist fingernail fetch feeling fashionable fashion emotion drop jog jaw intestine intensive care influenza infection incisor immunize immunization ill hygienist hygiene heart attack heart healthy health heal watch washing machine wardrobe want wand wall wake up visitor upholstery unknown unbelievable tuck in try trick tray television telephone wear type touch to and fro tired tickle through temper talkative take off swing landing card land jumbo jet journey jet in stock immigration holiday hold hobby helicopter have fun have a good time go sailing glider galley fuselage furthest further withdraw waitress waiter wage villa vending machine vehicle van urban truck trolley tram traffic track town tip ticket office through train terrace temple filing file fall out factory engineering engineer employer employee employ electrician eat earn document distress displease dismiss disagreement disagree bamboo bait aviary avian aquatic aquarium ape antler angler