
nighttime escape view born of take up blow one's top call off go off in the way of get one's hands on pile up mean business or else figure out head for come up make the difference make a difference draw lots fit in break down take hold of get hold of grab hold of break up in the midst of destroy stairway claw naked underneath desperate desperately laughter phoney phony disquiet deaden realization carry-over shaky wreckage half-hearted murmur gesture scare hey amen clot bruise harm harmless identify definite definitely tune pitch give pierce piercing vehicle military urgent remind intermittent mob movable generator barricade departure depart cellar blast fist giant avenue log reverberate pound pounding searchlight siren slaughter hand-to-hand fling bet idiot semi greedy aggressive foreigner illogical deserve precious infant whirl huh plead accommodation accommodate crazy overtake entrance assent chorus pool basement design post civil defense employee announcer carry portable dialogue dialog grab abridge bomb afterwards missile midst celebrate celebration synopsis take it easy keep from out of sight would rather be detached from bring down slack gaze absolutely thermometer commence springy icy unsteady unsteadily poise mound scatter light overhang quail covey flush slide slither glassy creek setter Irish varnish sleet prescribe lightheaded papa pirate detach detached pneumonia flu epidemic influenza germ acid purgative instruct instruction capsule go ahead go on hold back in tears on guard help out in addition to in addition run out send away for catch on to catch on at work cranky memento journalist session dry goods vulnerable vulnerability rack arrival tension pressure index embarrassment set one\'s mind on set one\'s mind to primarily even evenly dad respond drawn ecstatic midnight tap junk keyboard typewriter full-time addition acre frantic motel enroll enrol enrollment enrolment qualify formal formally correspondence course correspondence training day nursery nursery ranch assume helpless type cautious cautiously approach couch tight flip bound tuck issue anticipate be entitled to at a loss no matter what no matter how cope with in general once in a while