oil plants

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    Characterisation of essential oil plants from Turkey by IR and Raman spectroscopy
    Comprehensive exploitation and utilization of Jatropha oil plants
    Key Mediators Modulating TAG Synthesis and Accumulation in Woody Oil Plants
    Chemotaxonomic characterisation of essential oil plants by vibrational spectroscopy measurements
    Nucleotide Sequences of the rbcL Gene Indicate Monophyly of Mustard Oil Plants
    Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Properties of Seeds of Unconventional Oil Plants
    Nitrate Uptake by Roots as Regulated by Nitrate Assimilation in the Shoot of Castor Oil Plants
    Phytoremediation of a soil contaminated by heavy metals and boron using castor oil plants and organic matter amendments
    Concentration of abscisic acid and other solutes in xylem sap from root system of tomato and castor-oil plants are affected by the m...
    Concentrations of abscisic acid and other solutes in xylem sap from root systems of tomato and castor-oil plants are distorted by wo...