HominidaeHominidae :HominidaeAn Early Miocene Member of HominidaeToward a Life History of the HominidaeGigantopithecus and the Origins of HominidaeBirth of Two Chimeric Genes in the Hominidae LineageOrigin of the hominidae: The record of african large hominoid evolution between 14 my and 4 myDental development and the evolution of life history in HominidaeEvolutionary Psychology of Spatial Representations in the HominidaeOrigin of habitual terrestrial bipedalism in the ancestor of HominidaeA new species of the genus Australopithecus (Primates: Hominidae) from the Pliocene of Eastern AfricaKnuckle‐walking anteater: A convergence test of adaptation for purported knuckle‐walking features of african Hominidae