
diaphragm calf blind gut bladder wrist windpipe vein vagina decayed tooth thumb stomach sole skull skeleton rectum private parts penis pelvis pancreas palm ovary nipple navel nail mole middle finger large intestine kneecap kidney incisor hip heel arch breastbone denlture forefinger gullet gum dimple beard tendon gall bladder elbow ball booster thereof cyanosis lethargic drowsy convulsion diaper polio tetanus pertussis vaccine triple margin exudate necrotic slough granulation chili liquor unconscious bandage trip traction plaster femur suture recurrence anti-inflammatory condiment caffeine aseptic pus secrete itchy sputum hemoptysis diarrhea stuffy fiber tough thoroughly chew delay ulcer peptic stretch gymnastic consumption lean lard dosage hypertension inflame tonsil tension tobacco vomit dietitian lifestyle index moderately volume ventilation replacement shock bleeding faint hurry heal off and on sharp observation asthma strenuous stitch intermittent symptom concentrate liquid simmer heat up soak spoonful syrup pain-killer tongue teaspoon dissolve interval separately external tablet hypothermia infection herbal phlebitis overload overburden electrolyte imbalance prevent bloodstream sweat dizziness tincture subcutaneous intramuscular skip prescription abnormal vaccination infirmary sterilize discomfort swab biochemistry glucose hepatitis haemoglobin diabetes questionnaire inspection prone to further vision scale bust fill out lung premarital gastrointestinal pipe squeeze evenly bowel distribute sphincter digestion massage intestine packet effervescent fluoroscope gargle buttock clinch swell instrument insert barium swallow appendix photography disturb noise pacemaker device implant metal X-ray scan microscopic gravity ketone protein odor scrape soybean uncontaminated culture portion routine backache tube urination urine specimen stool instruction grip hold out hold down fist exactly sample nervous rub release sensitivity clench prick invasive Fahrenheit Celsius per axillary antenatal transfusion ache sore mild thermometer sleeve roll up blood pressure accident