你一生的故事 Story of Your Life词汇表

你一生的故事 Story of Your Life词汇表
wade explicable superconducting inert silica writhe burlap abrade cherubic gnome chubby bassinet walkie-talkie transmutation oval pager modulation aspect locus bland playback solid-state anomalous sequitur xenobiology inorganic fusion preliminary glean inclusive endpoint simultaneity epoch ember reign crawl infinitesimal amalgam recitation on cue spinach Brussels goldilocks actualize performative vessel christen altruism cassette slot crone wart coercion coincide automaton enviable reverse contentment Klaxon incarnate squall pail whiff ammoniac talcum detest convoluted dole straitjacket bottleneck survey radical green belt jungle gym flight orderly shrink flake sole wavy recurring underlying simultaneous sequential household chow interpret tong pepper mill linguini basil utensil gourmet intrinsic volition reconcile enact rub chronicle slope naught distress wail piteous tactic diversionary acceleration kinetic energy blather assertion rubbed off adversarial sermon mineral anthropologist prospector conquest tinny diplomat precedence interchangeable premise mandala sprout trance sign language immersion rendition cohesive graffiti bug course anthropomorphic felt-tip teleological purposive thy thou shalt snip vinegar soy sauce sesame redolent patronizing comedienne backbone flare out morpheme determinant sinuous rewind spun spun out argon nitrogen transcript breach apparent readily velocity kinetic deceptively jargon disregard self-preservation blithe wellspring fountain voodoo errant asymmetry wedge variational minimalist topsy turvy calculus hydrogen flip mass primer binder refraction nub repetition jubilant oscillating fan tape inexpert incredulous exasperation embodiment sprawl calligraphic undulation declension morphological impenetrable in defiance of defiance disillusioned animation medium perceptual gibber periodic table periodic spherical radio telescope devise terminology preeminence scarves drape trundle all but incessantly stylish mortarboard strike a pose hypnotic psychedelic stance lattice mantid predicate cadence punctuation ideogram misnomer whine dimple etch hula mime pronged fledged mathematical ease inflection morphology perpendicular stroke marker object subject bisect trailer maddening orthography