Snow Flower and the Secret Fan 《雪花秘扇》词汇表

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan 《雪花秘扇》词汇表
ill-fitting streaked scary revulsion argumentative timbre shaft balustrade overlay assail extoll haunch blot carefree tart chime firecracker frantic pomegranate anteroom fluster ward off toot drench fuss melody tilt fragility rouge adventurous gnaw disenchanted dizzy gauge demure commotion emissary tassel trinket jangle hairpin cinch jolt sadder insecurity vague alleyway hinder horoscope didactic condemnation nirvana regalia magistrate exemplary tribulation diamond sutra karma sutra devout pious saga dirge profound glutinous rice mercy placate unobtrusive farewell thread cutout foo envision wander appease otherworldly solace emanate sackcloth eternity muslin inexorable stain eerie howl sniff panorama distorted hinge creak monstrous cradle taut sausage stinger engorge heave spiteful betrothed tuck landscape swatch nostalgic canopy lounge soothe frigid sole pockmark stitch ornate pillowcase matron pond bluish perception indigo wardrobe bridal frugal homegrown installment sway stroke calf tendon limb glow pucker intake typhus malaria typhoid plague cholera counteract scorpion toad centipede erotic hip bone inquisitive glide peel off stillness torrid fertile raze slither mute deform cluck commiseration nuptial conjugal prank couplet lament commiserate white-hot venomous filth intimidate insinuation opine cajole conspire to and fro incense attire blink tentative gallant marauder falter nestle shovel refrain gracious lenient chastise excel skew feminize slant sloppy eunuch decapitation intrigue noteworthy woe recount pictographic italicize sneak handiwork reciprocate betroth lesser headman enfeoffment betrothal fortuitous noticeable rasp gutter escalate unscrupulous plop unrefined logistics pumpkin jeopardize awkward ripple willful babble toddle haul goad sticky console bloom nightingale decipher irrigation paddy brutality rupture preordain consign scrutinize tamp sprinkle toiletry retrieve caramelize spout saute garlic proprietor embolden demeanor honorific stall exhilaration shiver hobble tile concubine