剑桥IGCSE商务基础第四版 V1词汇表

剑桥IGCSE商务基础第四版 V1词汇表
strategy e-commerce agent distribution sales promotion target audience persuasive informative elasticity psychological dynamic promotional skimming penetration competitive cost-plus product life cycle packaging brand image brand loyalty brand name usp marketing mix pie chart bar chart focus group quota random sample sample questionnaire primary market research budget market product segment mass market niche market barrier informal formal memo Post-it two-way one-way feedback receiver medium transmitter internal communication message communication contract tribunal ethical termination dismissal redundancy workforce off-the-job on-the-job induction full-time part-time resume CV specification description analysis recruitment closed shop trade union laissez-faire democratic autocratic leadership delegation coordinate advisor line manager span chain of command organisational autonomous enrichment enlargement job rotation job satisfaction fringe benefit appraisal preen ownership performance-related pay bonus profit sharing commission salary piece rate wage recognition hygiene Maslow taylor affiliation motivation David GDP stakeholder social enterprise market share profit objective franchise dividend annual general meeting shareholder incorporated partnership unlimited limited liability sole trader conglomerate vertical integration horizontal acquisition merger integration external internal output employe business plan entrepreneur public sector private sector mixed economy industrialisation tertiary sector secondary primary sector turnover enterprise capital labour land goods added value business division of labour specialisation opportunity scarcity problem want need