English Words 2017 V1词汇表

English Words 2017 V1词汇表
conspire scintillate jaunt guile dotage berate stir hyperactivity emend decoy tangential proscribe reshuffle admonition forthright sportive inspirational disgorge cohabit inconsequential schematic extraneous noncommittal catalyst defray enunciate coiffure capricious composure didactic complacence espouse extrude domination serrated mite whimsy remit valiance pusillanimous underdeveloped coral as such provision lave incise exceptionally enterprising softwood hands-on flyspeck newbie short-range dated blurt threadbare occult stampede indubitable wrangle magnanimity nonentity utopia repetitive spoiler Occident successive cliffhanger refulgent headfirst promulgate frenzied renege bandy trappings crest musty booze petty wanton profusion receptacle seminal annotate commutability blandishment pharisaical indefatigable progenitor belated incumbent comparability gesticulation rabid chimerical mincing prank duplicity gamely troubling foodie disinfection tableware woolly catching burning halting quicksilver quantitative disputatious horticultural malapropos convoluted cohere arbiter skulduggery gusto philanthropist betoken catastrophe mediocre inequity boycott canvass unpretentious almighty tableland seep serene proposition rake proximity thatched formalize diffuse pithy unwitting bamboozle disport sentiment mawkish affluent impecunious spree reimbursement submissive spontaneous remission drool temperament stolid lugubrious self-righteous prim omnipresent unspoiled smattering annals odorous apex accumulation proprietary manual precipitation acquisition fabulous miraculous reparation outwit introvert grudge stink blase vindictive sprightly detonation freeloader daunting gentility prime number compressed standing nourishing postdate imperial matchmaking impoverish trifling unexceptionable sinewy gait demolish errand jaunty ebb privation visualisation disingenuous gambol laconic exuberance extemporaneous swoop protocol cruncher schism vituperate rococo disconcert sponge off trifle preside have a hand in scrub sponge sober shrug improvident requisition hypocritical bicker wink slick wart preempt tithe ripe competency guru impulse pull together apply to vouch sustainable inebriate homosexual thunder earnest stealth treadmill squander mash incursion wardrobe revere disparage archive dodge accusation exonerate