
fur furry four-legged duck call of nature obey lift drizzle pour weatherman complain thief thieves companion mean be loyal to loyal goof horse around donkey mule compare to compare outstanding stand out hopeless air conditioner air-conditioned fit keep fit behavior behave circumstances environment surrounding anyway cashier do exercises take exercise colleague shame quality make a living eager eagerness Time flies. twinkle sparkle sparkling look at nature seldom bustle hustle the hustle and bustle rotten maniac sex maniac nun disgust disgusted disgusting grab be equal to equal physical compete with competitive compete competition value force have the right to pure impure ban be angry with be angry at angry anger win beat wrestle wrestler dormitory male female Florida st.petersburg men man woman women expect explain allow shout at shout break break up rumor make a mistake mistake movie theater embarrassed embarrassing embarrass embarrassment misunderstanding cause feeling hurt incompetence remark thoughtful thoughtless leap exactly attract appeal appealing nonsense weird kind of to be honest monotonous bored boring sense make sense complicated bribe temptation stay away from farmer settle down settle German ancient brand-name clothes clothing telephone villa not to mention lamp electric light buggies horse-drawn lead a...life in order to typical Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania state in the heart of pitfall affection pneumonia bubble pin faint laughter audience ruin make up daily everyday emotion actor perfection lines memorize take part in field trip drama obvious obviously capable be able to housework schoolwork attention raise trousers after all brief factor do well at work perform performance affect time timing behind create opportunity Practice makes perfect. perfect put into practice paraphrase rewrite text stage grammar quite a bit of structure idiomatic idiom skill cute pose picture gate quick resemble resemblance bond award survive paternal maternal horror scream zoogoer zookeeper pick up rescue zoo gorilla height support incident ape evolve evolution messy mess join crawl fault standstill accident odd understanding cooperation cooperate cooperative