
confident confidence bring into chilled turning point brand brand new teenage once-in-a-lifetime blow out get together a bunch of requirement nostalgic meaningful much more one of a kind tuition fee hand in hand quite a few Valentine's Day Christmas Spring Festival indescribable fidelity user-friendly Wi-Fi built-in landline spotlight middle school tear up economical energy-saving handy mailbox in no time mail box convenient state-of-the-art state of the art impressive handwriting gonna doze off handwritten print out black and white gloss glossy nameplate teaser subscribe to subscribe vogue mocha responsible embroidery technophobe instantaneous connective scoop paparazzi tabloid headline front-page comparatively lunch break chat with in the world post unbearable tv series objectively roller coaster intrigue pop out of nowhere pop up tack tacky corny torture tell from pornography intonation imitate entertaining run away from grind daily grind wear off novelty down side real world virtual world virtual subconscious laptop desktop portable selling point programme website daily life tutorial grow on colourful stunt cater for prescription down to earth gaudy celebrity in comparison with special effects spectacle all-star IMAX debut richness thriller comedy check out rush to blockbuster Hollywood beige gathering good things celebration symbolize beloved royal family roll out the red carpet roll out red-letter red-letter day low-key cheesy girly barbie light pink baby pink complexion sophisticated metallic Chinese lemon yellow contrasting vibe blink accessory harsh business suit bubble bubbly clash stick up stick stuck stuck-up plaid stripe tariff time-saving wholesale market department store sparkling fashionable intact membership card debit card lost and found material splash splash out rip-off vanity gratify lv chanel overnight hot cake random sketch backpack weekender clutch designer shoulder bag tote outfit go with must-have freak out sixth sense peccable impeccable guaranteed commodity one-stop supermarket necessity dazzling fairly tight budget boutique franchise store bargain huh discount on sale absurd window shopping chic trendy a flash in the pan name brand ordinary people unaffordable accessible adore fashion victim fashionista conscious high school at that time inspirational audience work of art infection in a word visual arts fine arts gallery up to neck works of art spectrum wide-ranging thought-provoking provoking remind of be crazy about league landscape snapshot camera-shy photogenic