
  • v.

    使过度紧张,使工作过度,过度紧张( overstrain的第三人称单数 );

  • 英英释义

    overstrain[ ,əuvə'strein, 'əuvəstrein ]

    • n.too much strain
    • v.strain excessively




    Effect of biaxial strain ratio and periodic compressive overstrains on fatigue crack growth mode and crack growth rate
    Increases in fatigue crack growth rate and reductions in fatigue strength due to periodic overstrains in biaxial fatigue loading
    Implantation of bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells demonstrates improved outcome in horses with overstrain injury of the su...
    Length Changes in Metals Under Torsional Overstrain
    Residual stresses in thick-walled cylinders resulting from mechanically induced overstrain
    Overstrain effects during variable amplitude service history testing
    [An analysis of overstrain injuries in rock climbing]
    Analysis of overstrain injuries due to climbing
    The Change in Overstrain Level Resulting From Machining of an Autofrettaged Thick-Walled Cylinder
    Local Chain Deformation and Overstrain in Reinforced Elastomers: An NMR Study