
  • 帕斯
  • 和平
  • 希伯来语
  • Octavio Paz 奥克塔维奥•帕斯:


Structure and conserved RNA binding of the PAZ domain
Nucleic acid 3'-end recognition by the Argonaute2 PAZ domain.
Estrangeiros no Brasil: missão Paz em São Paulo acolhe imigrantes até a legalização
Structure and nucleic-acid binding of the Drosophila Argonaute 2 PAZ domain.
Characterization of the interactions between mammalian PAZ PIWI domain proteins and Dicer
The crystal structure of the Argonaute 2 PAZ domain reveals an RNA binding motif in RNAi effector \ldots
The crystal structure of the Argonaute2 PAZ domain reveals an RNA binding motif in RNAi effector complexes
Fenômeno Bullyng: como prevenir a violência nas escolas e educar para paz
Structural basis for overhang-specific small interfering RNA recognition by the PAZ domain.
Domains in gene silencing and cell differentiation proteins: the novel PAZ domain and redefinition of the Piwi domain