accounting objective



  1. The accounting function and the accounting objectives are the basic concept and the primary category of the modern accounting.
  2. As a starting point in accounting research, accounting objective theory must have a scientific and complete theoretical framework.


Accounting Objectives
Accounting Objectives
Managing interacting accounting measures to meet multiple objectives: A study of LIFO firms
The Other Objective of Ethics Education: Re-humanising the Accounting Profession – A Study of Ethics Education in Law, Engineering,...
Managing interacting accounting measures to meet multiple objectives: A study of LIFO firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 21...
The Implementation of Accounting Objectives: An Application to Extraordinary Items
Overcoming the subjective–objective divide in interpretive management accounting research
The Nature of Financial Accounting Objectives: A Summary and Synthesis
Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions in multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization of water distribution systems.
Single-Objective versus Multiobjective Optimization of Water Distribution Systems Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emission by Carbon P...