
the silk road Clay Oven Rolls wonton soybean milk rice cake moon cake cuisine certificate credit compulsory education entrance examination bubble economy globalization real estate bear market market diversification monopoly manufacturing industry entertainment industry light industry Confucius Tai Chi the Palace Museum lotus root spring roll cross-talk Beijing Opera seal hot pot acupuncture paper cutting embroidery lion dance dragon dance Mid-Autumn Festival tomb-sweeping day Lantern Festival Spring Festival zodiac leap year lunar calendar solar calendar ILO wmo depict literature prosperous Olympic Games isolation phenomenon countdown surrealism visa beat generation PhD terrorism disarmament hegemonism moderately prosperous society gross domestic product board of directors multinational company anti-dumping financial deficit LAN LCD hacker mathematics philosophy booming dynasty reform and opening-up drug addict make a bargain landlord tenant teller cashier pay slip installment make a reservation comedy tragedy dress circle at the door round the corner you said it farewell dinner booth mineral water Industrial Revolution nutrient biodiversity population density hallway recruit predecessor shipment in an attempt to track meet Forbes pair off ambient temperature stage fright child abuse talkative hit the ceiling cosmetic surgery out of line straightforward goose bumps for the sake of close out cope with on the threshold of on the verge of revolve around presume on summon up off the cuff back and forth tear down cling to carve up no sooner than from hand to mouth cut back linger on shove off in tow reel off at any rate file for at large at will foul up reside in in black and white tuck in poke nose into make do with wave aside as fit as a fiddle be doomed to to and fro go off inflict on bear up from scratch dash off in a sense fall back on prey on on impulse have someone's hands full in view of assure of on end keep track of err on the side of no wonder on the rocks but for in no case in the red phase out carve out subject to a needle in a haystack owing to owe to keep pace with with ease descend from in and out do away with in accordance with cast light on sniff out be liable for have an ear for answer for tuck away be composed of in default of allow for on no account act on at length with a view to check out call up cut short bring up deep down draw up hand out hang out in sympathy with may well line up bear out lie in dress up occur to shut out in case of on earth show off show up set forth see through set back see eye to eye take after burn up stay up out of order come up with take up with be proud of ever since call in refer to as write off put up with put in for work up while away wipe out on and off without number turn over wear out wear off serve right cast about for wrap up in charge of sort of dwell on cave in after that after all stand up for come what may come to life prior to essential for content with