New TOEIC 高分本领书词汇表

New TOEIC 高分本领书词汇表
Call in sick sick leave prescription pharmacy wrist heel belly cheek under the weather in good shape symptom medication treatment diagnosis checkup hospitalize premium ambulance injury illness dependent spouse coverage insurance pension banquet greet reception toast anniversary congratulation ceremony award applause audience RSVP attire attendee prize catering service ballroom celebration reunion alumni invitation subscription copier certificate edition letterhead manuscript proofread periodical publisher subscribe to bulletin publish attachment correspondence retrieve circulation memorandum confidential briefcase scissors Post-it gathering receptionist clerk cafeteria pantry janitor shelf drawer cubicle front desk hallway ventilation maintenance fire drill administrative fountain parking lot sidewalk round-trip emission mileage pedestrian traffic signal speeding subway public transportation collision intersection short cut under construction jammed expressway flat tire vehicle commute embassy fare itinerary forward pastime favorite tune sculpture painting box office retreat souvenir attraction statue heritage destination voyage accommodation excursion cruise sightseeing out of town jet lag lost and found aisle seat duty-free land declare customs immigration quarantine fasten turbulence refreshment altitude rack baggage crew belongings upright board passenger departure sink microwave oven scour nutrition culinary flavor bite sip deli dine ingredient cupboard utensil cuisine entree appetizer buffet luncheon toll free appliance extraordinary deal trial counterpart sue quotation seal signature negotiable royalty terminate violate deem fulfill terms and conditions take effect contract dairy products fitting room warranty back order delivery voucher rebate mark down bargain press conference demonstration brochure leaflet consumer commerce luxury vendor wholesale retail outlet distribution merchandise respondent statistics questionnaire exhibition profit margin niche competitor recognition campaign trade show branding gadget carry assembly supplier fabric procurement shipping courier inventory subcontract storehouse prototype specification manufacturing defect machinery innovation laboratory research and development plant gross margin due date reimbursement deduction expenditure debt bottom line in the black tax return small change unemployment rate dividend checking account savings account interest rate statement