冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)词汇表

冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)词汇表
corsair committed colossal desert cobbler clearing clack circuit churn chopping chivalrous chilled childish ceremony burnish bunch brain catspaw bleach bladder blacksmith birthright billow beet bead basilisk barb baker awry awash astonishment arrest appendix amiably amend aisle airy wizen wince wilderness wicker warrant wade wad vivid unyielding unsaid undress unable twisty traffic tradition tireless thrum thickly terribly tendril tedious suet stock stinky starry starboard squall sorcerer tasty soothing sometime snot smear sleepless signature serry scheming scene scary rustle route riot renowned recover rebuild rash raiment queasy pronounce predawn repay pomegranate pocket pleasing piety petitioner paw patrol parley pane palpable overturn oven orchard omen northeast nightly meanwhile malice lunge loin lively likewise leathern kneeler juggler inward incense illness idly hobble hence helmet hay haul half-brother gutter gulp grudging great-uncle grandchildren gorge gibbet gale fowler foothill flail fingertip farm fabric excellent erupt encamp eighth dryly ditch disdain dicing desolate curve curdle cowardice country cottage dapple conspire complaint clink climber clang chip childhood charm cedar callus buzz brigand breaker brace borrow blackberry birthing bedclothes awhile aught attendance array anvil wry wont withdraw wistful unnoticed unhand unarmed tusk turnkey trip transform toll thoughtful thinly talon swordplay sum sleeper shard sewer scurry screen satisfied sandy sale rutted robust riverfront riverbank rival revenge residence reproach relish reduce quest pudding raid prompt promising prettily pretender pregnant portly poisoner plotting pebble panic overwhelm ominous numerous ninety necklace nearly muscular mournful mongrel misshapen midwife messenger melon manticore lumber loop lofty lobster lifetime lichen legion legend lair jut justly informer include