A Clash of Kings (冰与火之歌第二册)词汇表

A Clash of Kings (冰与火之歌第二册)词汇表
eddy ragged rag warden piety garlicky sprout hoarding blot dodge discolor subside inimical lime cleft brat bile dusk spout scummy at fault shard elude bark birch vixen spoor trickery turgid pivot fugitive ravine harridan tread elk blatant natter testily merlon granite navel dreg drawbridge deem banish tavern lithe scrawl conspire hale sewage wizened investiture cowardice enrage plead courtly rite installation seizure uneventful breast out of place callow rejoice impregnable barnacle hoard ginger pike haggle twinge garran straggle ambush gibber bull tallow unison unseeing murk assiduous timbre corruption awash slant surpass sumptuous interweave scepter congeal asprawl strew rattish temptation muffle mottled whorl anteroom anise caul unstop flute servitor by no means flutist lounge serpent behold leech pounce foolery discourteous crease gnaw flurry heave disarming mitt baste simmer crock bast broth span pitiless teeter meander mew skittery unharness lather commotion flaky crotch welter outburst pungent prod cranky yowl prowler ululate piney sap tang coppery revelry skirmish prob confer hillock morbid oddment misery harrowing harrow conjurer shrivel spite fortuitous hysterical filch jar spavin lye spank mischief titty scour scab crusty portly usher wynd curfew accost expel page impudent invincible belike ramp man rim squawk swish rasher hoarfrost fluff agony navigable treacherous cavern halyard canvas gunwale partake thwart gullet lieutenant fortify grapnel irk jester unthinking sorely childe child gage arse unmolested grandeur heraldic sorrel gall insolence savagery sot guildhall tanner rove complacent peal inutterable unceremonious lop askew stammer crazed craze barbican whey rider pelt tumult gasp hail speck snuffle unship lusty fanfare bloodletting outwit lavish drone pompous upturn festivity
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