A Clash of Kings (冰与火之歌第二册)词汇表

A Clash of Kings (冰与火之歌第二册)词汇表
destrier rebellion smug jowly ponderous deign perchance dullard shroud liege sentiment cur gaunt waddle scoop shambling gallop sling rein shabby savage bristle oddments haggard dint hilt hooves clink portcullis quintain tilt tumble obscene flop duly griffin bedeck vanquish derision stirrup inlaid checker oaf splinter couch combatant revel reel caparison trot lance mane revulsion gnat joust gallant engulf clad foeman curt brooch negligent canopy spectator throng trumpet pounding hoove spur glide gleam pennant pavilion fabled savor tunic dashing cordial lackwit dog fearsome moonstone tourney stag ascent herald crimson glory escort scuttle name day muss yearn ripply squint whimper barley foul yank ablaze trickle sigil flinch oak unlace snarl thimble hiss pry whap lunge smear stumble jag spun squeal whirl wail nostril dribble whack grunt gut vault buck haw hindquarter gimme shaggy shed manacle hoot snap tin lordy squire chew gutter bray apprentice Dyer orchard plod courser plow bale bolt sore weeping fetter poacher rush highborn spit split dungeon stubble tuft scrape growl sept skitter fistful breeze dagger mat lumpy strain clutch forefinger vital gruff lump caper brittle sullen satin sunburst russet swath garnet mantle swirl slender unblemished copper burnish ruby choker dag comical amidst raucous unleash hobble malevolent flicker myriad throb totter morsel windpipe clench strangler alchemist parchment rattle indigo vial squat ointment sorceress oft headland limp fratricide gaze treason unfurl fiery blazon wrath rally fervent crack whip pluck prominent scowl chagrin usurper furrow hideous foster betroth gollop whore radish pious tally paltry bannerman sup utter impulse heedless inflict don jest allegiance
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