冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)1-5词汇表

冰与火之歌(A Song of Ice and Fire)1-5词汇表
nourish stoke leadership bidder churl pretender nuptial impend annul usury dredge infuse duplicate steely rework quest extraordinary cherrywood composition inordinate refrain tour carter ritual clod reopen ulcerate beset unsympathetic woo pare mustard betwixt lighthead somersault hath thee mush foothold imperfect horizontal bombard pinnace hindmost damper encroach vertical mountainous feasible sheepdog eave gargle tweak dampness townsman imp brutish sedate provocative randy bridal acknowledgment flourish loathsome rice quantity cardamom sedan circulate rebellious sprung resell indrawn enslave drool status freeborn broker mishear grotto undershirt tee stalactite originate vary structural sinkhole concealment propitious fir bastardy retract justly overran outcry ignite unbeliever gaudy unmask victorious porcupine agreeably pageantry commence lull hundredfold sleet huntress glen hinterland glimmery asses overseer populous pleat sulfurous schedule delight octopus resilient unsound unit cull fitter convey selves succumb erection infertile penis testicle lotus larva inclination scribe rigorous perspire translator adequate dusky argot characteristic empire symbol legion harpy doeskin freckly alight adamant shire milkmaid talent restful tickle cobweb bailiff goatish slithery firth manhandle proposition divvy discomfiture rimmed cadaver cadaverous swarthy heyday upswing spotty chaff havoc advent yen posset kinship thickness ilk dishevelment various unbearable shocking tongueless peacefully testimony disloyalty romantic presumably nubile deflower byplay pustule broach preamble fatal acquiesce declaration tantamount perforce comport malice incapable astir endanger stepstone benevolent remission worthy singular wardship division option hazardous beforehand irreverent overt unconscionable flirt worrisome dispossessed incurious redistribute coherent jack flintstone weedy villager leaky mean shoemaker tenfold cruelty heron peregrine merlin waterfowl willowy unfailing kirtle seamstress rancor sludgy malevolence giantess cannibal chariot kneeler horny splay