英语等级考试教材第四级 pets4词汇表

英语等级考试教材第四级 pets4词汇表
division arbitrage discourage quotation specification discrimination inflationary framework optimum uncertainly hedge plant scatter take account of corporate assurance variation exchange rate monetary constitute transaction removal surplus differ from domestic fixed commission charge negligible exchange incur currency sign fill out bill transfer saving deposit interest checking account expense cover on a regular basis open an account board committee canteen up-to-date finance typical agenda deputy immediate sort out leave for journalist comprehend visualize laser refinement in conjunction with instant permanent capture assassination tragic simultaneously newscast motion contain wirephoto photography connect to locomotive scribe eventually wedge cuneiform clay mark in addition system yell aural visually characteristic unique plug in faulty locate occur fault joint solder switch on relay duplicate lead to apparatus distinct sphere miniaturization microelectronics silly electronics impulse interrupt personality replace deprive of deprive comprehensive burden virtually evidence intertwine spreadsheet execute capsule ceramic commission consist of monitor formula summarize chip innovation track incorporate integrate magnetic fledged compiler concept compact reliable silicon germanium semiconductor crystal landscape transistor filament drawback aside from plug circuitry whereas output represent array investigate act as amplify viable component assemble punch input sequence instruction programable inconvenient enrol compare tailor medium majority attitude philosophy fashionable fulfil chore program compose