Vocabulary Power Workbook Special Training 1词汇表

Vocabulary Power Workbook Special Training 1词汇表
vigilant forewarn admonish caution induce evoke apprehend spacious capacious luminescent glowing candescent serene peaceful tragedy occupied engaged fragile brittle aglow skimpy concise plucky underneath enter board plain vacant condemn large favouritism prejudice bias liquid assault rebuke berate oppose contradict belie badger harass beleaguer attitude enhance decorate inept gawky covetous greedy avaricious solemn grim apparel endeavour dumbfound amaze assiduous question climb dusty arid suitable appropriate approve laud pacify allay appease await foresee displeasure acrimony archaic aged ancient copious amicable affable amiable extent volume amount bewilderment astonishment amazement distance peak modify amend furthermore additionally also friend accomplice ally acquiesce allow energetic alert aid alarmed aghast intimidate anxious doting devoted affectionate cherish admire adore concede furbish beautify adorn comply discerning gain amass exact censure follow entertain accommodate casualty ludicrous ridiculous absurd refrain avoid entire brusque afield atop overhead annul habitat dwelling abode adept snatch kidnap abduct compress discard halal headquarter mandatory cohesive combat treat strategy tactic deterioration stability national service infantry equip enrol enlist resist cadet qualification denote emblem functional equilibrium diagnostic be aware of consciousness clinical mostly not nearly decor patronise operator hygiene hawker atheist resident dweller habitant inhabitant perceive environment friendly establishment a chain of chain store cashless transaction appeal means draw attention catch attention remind of likely occur traumatic therapeutic sling flexible rigid flex tissue membrane much less or so fairly differentiate cement be comprised of image motif unify theme occupy tenant stand-alone merchant goods merchandise let sublet be willing to do not at all not a bit know better than not a little festivity observe ballot lot junk reconfirm onto intrusion selected rank the first rank relevancy numerous sort dynamic static income undergo attendee participant revenue procession