
undertaken incremental cash flow timing npv capital budgeting corporate finance initiation risk premium bond yield payout retention rate sovereign pure-play callable yield to maturity floatation magnify variable costs breakeven attribute to with respect to financial leverage acquirer stake proportionate irregular chronology stock split stock dividend cash dividend repurchase greenmail golden parachute legal right proposal recruit mitigate stance ally with requisite discourage takeover stagger board of directors qualification corporate governance creditworthy commercial paper pledge credit risk forego foregone worthwhile take advantage of credit sale disbursement pull on drag on tie up insolvency distress deteriorate resort to vendor subtract from diversification collateral cutting-edge differentiate off-balance-sheet domineer strained questionable obsession deficient audit committee tax haven substance over form unrealistic third-party hostile vulnerability saturation rationalization intent exploit relief in compliance with fraud inception in substance contractual lessor lessee refrain covenant commission qualitative understate overstate par Coupon rate face value prohibit unconsolidated consolidate carry forward joint venture invoice terminology deductible deferred tax asset tax base confuse income tax taxable income department taxation circumstance recoverable feasibility Accelerated depreciation nonetheless enhancement perpetual distinguishable permissible allocate rebate rearrange cost of sales weighted average earnings per share defensive current liabilities current assets Cash conversion cycle working capital profit margin common equity liquidity ratio profitability inflow outflow operating income coverage reconstruct carrying value book value discretionary net sales fixed asset proceed classified homogeneity acid test obsolescence superior reconcile preferred stock redemption mandatory privilege par value unquote indefinitely write up goodwill termination intangible asset intangible unidentifiable substance depreciate promissory overhead unconditional intrinsic perspective deduct snapshot notes payable account payable overdraft solvency liquidity owe scrap prone accident-prone distinct franchise ease pile whereby participant incurrence depletion implication direct cost signify parenthesis chronological columnar turnover synonymous refer to as refer to crucially inclusive hypothetical treasury treasury stock denominator outstanding numerator proportional convertible dilutive common stock ordinary stock criteria latitude supplier obligor surrender fair value barter therefore installment milestone reliable accelerate incur phase phaseout accrue measurement restate prospective retrospective discontinue uninsured expropriation extraordinary restructure write down write off impairment infrequent