新加坡小学六年级词汇Practice Makes Perfect Vocabulary P6词汇表

新加坡小学六年级词汇Practice Makes Perfect Vocabulary P6词汇表
train hole unsuspecting unknowingly turn into trunk trick tent surfacing stumble startle spray spectacular snug shepherd shell sense scary Raj pitiful orderly naughty manner managed to locus irritate immediately hatch habitat grazing gerald gentle geese frail feature expedition dump documentary diving devour crop camper blink bask awag attack approach amuse agile waddle trot swoop swing swim strut slither scamper prowl lumber gallop frisk flit crawl climb amble twitter trumpet squeak scream roar quack purr neigh meow laugh howl hoot honk hiss grunt growl gobble gibber drone croak coo cluck chirp chatter buzz bray bleat bellow bark vixen tomcat tigress stallion stag sow rooster ram pup piglet pen nanny goat mare lioness kid joey hatchling gosling gander foal fawn ewe duckling doe cygnet chick calf bunny buck boar bitch billy goat troop swarm school pride pod plague pack nest murder litter leap herd gaggle flutter drove colony cluster brood bed bale wolf whale turtle turkey tiger swan snake sheep seal rabbit puppy pig oyster oxen owl mouse monkey mice locust lion leopard lamb kitten kangaroo horse hornet hyena hen gorilla goose goat giraffe frog fox fly fish elephant eagle duck dove donkey dolphin dog deer cub crow crocodile cow cockerel clam chicken cattle caterpillar cat camel butterfly bull buffalo bird beetle bee beaver bear bat ape antelope ant alligator weak in disability physical alter operation organization sew figure carve mental program earthenware supply pipe occasion arrangement prescribe machinery court herb reproductive organ affect treat window frame form publication in charge of material furnish professionally ferry servant escort solar behavior draw up