饥荒(Don't Starve)单词(高阶)词汇表

饥荒(Don't Starve)单词(高阶)词汇表
jerky charcoal rack drying honeycomb board box bee shard bone bucket a bit improved grow poop manure farm basic buoy safety first life jacket ye pirate respect captain shark tiger spyglass reward fisherman patient trawl coconut cannon shed light on situation motoring blade turbine wind iron dodo lite duty snakeskin cloth sail thatch afloat repair seashell wave break armoured hoard cargo boat row sort of boat raft business get down to ball monkey silly tropical feeling cure coral venom anti mussel capacity gear thick pack insulated luxurious feather reed fan restore heat escape lean-to siesta tent fur puff bunny sleep through roll straw piggyback stuff backpack travel thermal compass abrasion disinfectant spider gland ash salve minor wound papyrus poultice honey at bay umbrella skin petal protection posh parasol pretty go fishing fishing rod bug silk net beast winged creature capture trap bioluminescence goo refuel illumination lantern pumpkin spooky light bulb rope worm mole light up noggin firefly straw hat hat miner doodad electrical stone opposite nitre endothermic light source portable torch efficient fire pit log campfire shave off beatnik razor pitchfork smash grass rock hammer regal all sorts of dig up shovel opulent chop down pickaxe gold nugget luxury flint twig axe huge small monster braise berry twiggy mini glacier bed petrified slot burnt slime guano skeleton spelunk plug debris dawn dusk day loading pathos generate reticulate wrangle equip play read platform screw grassy metal plate ring crank base message rundown fissure monsoon pile hut vein burrow wormhole dirt suspicious winter autumn fall summer spring pig king grave sapling boulder seaworthy redbird seed flower catch wet soggy soaking collapse rotate prototype build bush walk