饥荒(Don't Starve)单词(高阶)词汇表

饥荒(Don't Starve)单词(高阶)词汇表
shirt floral fresh enough storm trunk elephant koala putty not that breezy yet stylish rugged vest dapper waterproof raincoat hiding good for spot protect against beekeeper ice cube sticky refreshing watermelon melon fashion yer include herd horn warmth a little bit fuzzy earmuff slick rain hat classy nerve garland item clothing degrade kit sewing locator teleport focus track freeze combustion harness insanity induce chilled death amulet giving life full belly slurp pelt belt drain lucid sword armour night following amass musician one-man band band wing bell old savage soothe mandrake flute pan hair beard via resurrect effigy anymore living power magical amplify top hat prestidigitator recycle solid lime a hint of combine blue red gem purple crazy foolish residue evil writing squared flat usefulness coil woven tightly sandy sand relaxing therapeutic sand castle flood sandbag tie together rug obsidian heart dragoon banana nugget fireproof scaled inside stick shell broken foliage fern potted smell beefalo wool carpet tile nicely checkered floorboard laminate high-quality flooring turf rocky cobblestone friend avian parrot rabbit hutch shelter house wooden wood segment wall hay upon mark sign container sturdy chest swordfish harm shot never gun sick jab sartorial limestone azure supreme cutlass blow away pain weather scale step on whoever bite pop up hound go wrong weaponize mine boomerang teeth blow crimson fire enemy sleepiness spit jet stinger dart sleep braincase football helmet heavy marble damage protect an amount of provide suit goat volt nighttime morning star meat bat ham pointy spear fling flame put out ice protect from strike lightning rod a handful of rotten gunpowder hyetometer ambient measure fuel nightmare divining rod recipe craft even more unlock alchemy machine spoilage ice box pot crock