新闻编辑室/The Newsroom Season1词汇表

新闻编辑室/The Newsroom Season1词汇表
congregation intent Hebrew rally klan ovation cave cushion hostage treasury boorish groin prior recipient proponent partisan reckless cosmetic raver mock heavyweight outburst contest monocle Kentucky bourbon reset snuff needle promo deliberation vaudeville bludgeon stenographer parenthetical moderate polio bankruptcy disdain audition retroactive complication deranged exclamation wreckage sear conduct mastermind surveillance jokey attendant paranoid retaliation compulsion spectator rehearse counterintuitive skunk penance dogfight drone discretion falafel vial tiebreaker circulate petition Oval Office oval usher tarmac Truman forgery reindeer sled dial unbuckle taxiway collar scroll secretary navigation yammer gigolo attribute strategy erase reverse epic blindfold marvel inflammation marijuana elbow recreational establish deputy pseudonym sacred prank masterful norepinephrine aide rail fallout tailback bounce off unhinged inalienable reduce to inescapable bestiality incest utmost equivalent fabric deviant assertion preposterous infidelity vague trauma hardwired advocacy exploratory convene wisdom exposition propose leverage lord Inuit fraternize Arctic Antarctic sting mess with ammunition clerical accomplished hospitalize invade tank propane pursue abusive suspend deferential scale calamity absolve sever in the name of linguistic sup gruesome categorize rogue misrepresent wrap up knowingly facilitator exuberant pecs draft secure discharge deploy tackle bronchitis tonsillectomy dodge lough farfetched retrospect invasion rotten contain buildup hydrogen grumpy grump pin involuntary anatomy disguise handcuff catnip scam lowball sociopath perpetrate covenant supremacy imam adultery sharia impose creep stomp prospect synagogue cherish mosque triumph ghettoize verification lob cowardice populist cappella shovel gasket hypocrite stethoscope internist Ambien insomnia congruent geometric attaboy deficit fife memo crafty errand edible freakish decent concussion merge culminate deregulation machinery dedicate incompetent corporate practically fringe sprain freelancer freelance liability retrace rig disclosure disclose heritage herringbone transparency