
array astronomy extraordinary acceptable exquisite cosmic biology exotic contemplate muse ponder extraterrestrial incidentally addict stick to level-headed action stall organise keep an eye on loose driver purse slot actress actor lately put up with put up put out put on put forward put down put away put aside put apart put across pick up pick out pick on pick at the Atlantic come one's way make the best of what with at present cheer up sink in as for be stuck in no doubt chaos assimilate mechanics preoccupy disorganized metaphysical fond sweater starry gang pellet coward inferior inferiority complex inferiority uproot yearn heck broaden perspective outlet senior editorship germ testimony tangible soar polish index flip pal cute gracious flirt tag ratio gabby protagonist jolly brassy companion beer intersession frank frankly slick net brass anyhow insane interior shady neuroendocrine gastrointestinal cardiovascular sanitation biopsy acute bronchitis sperm hormone testosterone chromosome DNA antigen cellular impairment gastric discoordination deduce stoned hash vomit nausea visual acuity auditory intoxication urination basal metabolic rate lung vital capacity respiratory mg physiological pot tetrahydrocannabinol control group marijuana organ constituent climate tissue virus genetic classify buzz versus summarize dizzy attribute aesthetic abnormal abnormality frequency division intensity duration classification reference biased bias multiple beneficial introduction get through get over get down to get by get at get round to get along get across live with live up to live through live out live on live for live by get down write up take on as such under consideration make up break down into on the job framework orderly readable jargon pretentious specialize specialized sacrifice prose listing preferable mechanical diagram graph format visual readership agency publication transition transitional wordy eliminate methodical heading aid ensure edit draft clarity accuracy pleasing objection emphasis formal applicable personnel skilled approve guideline federal construction valid validity expectation antithetical hypothesis tendency duplicate overall factor stroke evaluate subject description tradition thorough enhance rhetorical assessment consideration summary investigative investigate