剑桥大学英语教材 PRISM 4词汇表

剑桥大学英语教材 PRISM 4词汇表
resolve consensus hybrid tinker stake reservation outcome resentment prevail perception insight dynamics defuse counteract constructive composition bash pinata segment intervene federal protocol property minimal concentration compromise ironically incidence hygiene disproportionately disparity deprive correlation peril trump reignite pose rehearse collaboration ramble accomplishment reiterate format analytical dreaded hustle discrimination daunting vision wardrobe rewarding distinct untapped leap on the fence internship resolution orient impair navigate definitive landmark reconstruct approachable cue application exposure dominance competent speculate orchestrate zap hippocampus electric eel intimidating algorithm status scope overview oversight mission funding fabulous concise buzzword dump aggregate transaction overload effectively facilitate elaborate advent done deal no-brainer tradeoff expertise convincing precedent encryption compel legitimate in the interest of track informed target creepy arsenal trace catch up with counter verification dual plummet market cap wake-up call finite obstacle devise circumvent resent backlash shift scenario mass production foundation drastic downside customize assembly rumor horse race dim make a splash cusp columnist unprecedented divert accelerate shameful dispose of combat allocate intensive conversion viable abundant nutrient yield rehabilitation mullet predator decimate lurk pelican exclusively consistent fundamental apparently display underlie distraction gesture phenomenon isolate enhance differentiate detract from decline coordinate accomplish fist one-upmanship all-nighter pull synergy communal congregate mindset indelible domesticated surge detection eradicate confine transmission proximity mild therapeutic cycle bounce back thrive grim revolutionize skyrocket lethal superbug mutation contaminate coli agonize extend diminish potential ambiguity illustration dispute founder chronic survey qualified prospective persistent boast assertive alternative vocational education technician hydrogen welder innovative resourceful conform trigger seek stimulation procrastinator suppress skeptical reject pursue notion norm label intriguing empathy curator foster opt out breakthrough follow suit pioneer retention accumulate ongoing attainable shrewd incentive transition revenue