《大学英语精读》第三版 第一册词汇表

《大学英语精读》第三版 第一册词汇表
content aged medal mayor occasion rare postman tough aboard arrangement moderately physically prior endurance ability satisfactory challenge supermarket recently somewhat channel drake Elizabeth London cape horn Sydney moth gipsy cannot help turn over by far in spite of by oneself be determined to give up set out being conquer moreover adventurer accomplish sword knight sinister drag nightmare waken following nearly contact fortunately cape treacherous dissuade Australia Australian previous previously cover gale steering device device steer crew clipper voyage retire determination determine determined cancer lung transatlantic solo permanent attitude performance textbook confuse go over comprehension portion organize look over skim adequate activity enable furthermore aware solve as well entertainment relaxation occupy set aside aside decide on fill in chart schedule weekly necessarily intelligence put into practice apart from act out in detail for instance feel free seek out over and over again in addition to on a weekly basis on a daily basis on a regular basis learn about learn of watch out for commit to memory be bound to at a time at fault by no means absorb accumulate accumulation process summarize culture motivate motivation pal assignment assign apart handle rely on rely input source reliable environment purchase detail instance partner rehearse campus enjoyable communicate opportunity repetition movie addition basis usage idiom idiomatic vocabulary enlarge route effective concentrate on concentrate acquaintance commit constant bound cram memorize complaint complain helpful sustain sustained command nevertheless prolong prolonged diligent diligence means strategy reformed newscaster alarm puzzle quit ridiculous sweat ease penetrate harm sympathy headquarters Brunswick Florida johnson New Jersey Lauderdale Greenwich make someone's way take over be caught up in take back come through pull into dream of con billow banner stun fortify tighten snapshot unformed exclaim oak parole yeah guy jail painful painfully chatter retreat swig runaway root chew mask dusty vanish tide fort sometime reappear anew folklore mystery mysterious beast leap log ice-cream dessert feature salad creep