  • abbr.

    pock-forming unit 疱斑形成单位;preparation for use 备用;

  • 学习怎么用


    PCR fidelity of pfu DNA polymerase and other thermostable DNA polymerases.
    PCR fidelity of PFU polymerase and other thermostable DNA polymerases
    A rapid and efficient one-tube PCR-based mutagenesis technique using Pfu DNA polymerase.
    Fidelity and mutational spectrum of Pfu DNA polymerase on a human mitochondrial DNA sequence.
    Utilizzo di pneumatici fuori uso (PFU) per la produzione di materiale composito fonoassorbente applicabile con tecnica a getto, per ...
    Optimal spatial filtering of single trial EEG during imagined hand movement
    Motor imagery and direct brain-computer communication
    Mu rhythm (de)synchronization and EEG single-trial classification of different motor imagery tasks.
    Quality control of polysomnographic sleep data by histogram and entropy analysis
    Neuper, C.: Motor imagery and direct brain-computer communication. Proc. IEEE 82(7), 1123-1134