
  • n.

    喜爱葡萄酒者,酒鬼( wino的名词复数 );

  • 学习怎么用


    Discovery and Measurement of Sleptons,
    Coming across as somewhat of a cultural centre for wine lovers, including a cinema, piano bar, theatre, rotating fine art gallery an...
    Coming across as somewhat of a cultural centre for wine lovers, including a cinema, piano bar and theatre, it’s a little difficult ...
    Altered methamphetamine place conditioning in mice vaccinated with a succinyl-methamphetamine-tetanus-toxoid vaccine.
    Naltrexone reduces appetitive and consummatory responses to alcohol in a sex-dependent manner in rats
    Deficits in memory and social behavior following seizures early in life
    Das alpha-1-Fetoprotein im Blutserum der Mutter bei physiologischen und pathologischen Schwangerschaften
    Die Konzentration des freien Östriols im Blutserum der Mutter und im Fruchtwasser bei physiologischen und pathologischen Schwangers...
    Anforderungen an die Modellierung durchgängig rechnerunterstützter Projektierungssysteme für Elektroenergieanlagen.
    Polarimetric optical fibers with elliptical liquid-crystal core