
  • n.

    不莱梅(德国地名);[法]不来梅储蓄银行;[人名] 布雷门;[地名] [德国、美国] 不来梅

  • 英英释义

    Bremen[ 'bremən ]

    • n.a city of northwestern Germany linked by the Weser River to the port of Bremerhaven and the North Sea; in the Middle Ages it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League


    werder bremen云达不莱梅


    1. Then we head for Bremen, then Hamburg, then Denmark.
    2. The British were at the gates of Hamburg and Bremen and threatening to cut off Germany from occupied Denmark.


    Regional innovation systems and the foundation of knowledge intensive business services. A comparative study in Bremen, Munich, and ...
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    'Back on Straw’: The Experience of Shanghai Jewish Refugees in Bremen after Escaping German National Socialism, Enduring a Japanese...
    Ansgar, Rimbert and the forged foundations of Hamburg-Bremen. By Eric Knibbs. (Church, Faith and Culture...
    Die Sozialdemorkratische Partei in Bremen 1880–1914: Reformismus und Radikalismus in der Sozialdemokratischen ...
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    L'encombrement protéique limite la signalisation intracellulaire
    Cooperative interception of neuronal apoptosis by BCL-2 and BAG-1 expression: prevention of caspase activation and reduced productio...
    Reversible bone loss in women treated with GnRH-agonists for endometriosis and uterine leiomyoma.
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