compensable factor

[kəmˈpɛnsəbəl ˈfæktɚ]
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    Factors affecting first return to work following a compensable occupational back injury
    The physical exertion factor in compensable work injuries. A hidden flaw in previous research
    Epidemiology of compensable work-related ocular injuries and illnesses: incidence and risk factors.
    The Recognition Memory Test in the assessment of memory impairment after financially compensable mild head injury: a replication
    Does the Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire predict outcomes following a work-related compensable injury?
    The role of aerobic fitness and exercise intensity on endurance performance in uncompensable heat stress conditions
    A survey into degrees of approval of compensable factors in job evaluation
    Compensable power for electrical systems in nonsinusoidal conditions
    Confirmatory factor analysis of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire in an Australian compensable population.
    No-fault and medical malpractice: the causation issues of defining compensable events.