
英 [d'wɪm]
美 [d'wɪm]
  • abbr.

    do what I mean 按照我的意思做;

  • 英英释义


    • DWIM ("Do What I Mean") computer systems attempt to anticipate what users intend to do, correcting trivial errors automatically rather than blindly executing users' explicit but incorrect input. The term was coined by Warren Teitelman in his DWIM package for BBN Lisp, part of his PILOT system, some time before 1966.




    1P2-M04 宇宙飛行士支援マニピュレータ用着脱可能手首部インターフェース機構(DWIM)の性能評価 (宇宙ロボット)
    Development of Detachable Wrist Interface Mechanism (DWIM) for Dexterous Manipulator on Astronaut Supporting Robot
    DWIM typology according to spelling level of french 7th grade students
    Research on Threwew-dwim.GenigsaioPnaapl mero.idrelling of railway route in railway route selection
    Strategische Unternehmensplanung
    Kopplungsarchitekturen zur überbetrieblichen Integration von Anwendungssystemen und ihre Realisierung mit SAP R/3
    Die Innovationstätigkeit der deutschen Softwareindustrie
    Ein Vorgehensmodell zur Erstellung virtueller Bildungsinhalte
    Big Data and Information Processing in Organizational Decision Processes
    Innovationspotenzial von RFID für das Supply-Chain-Management