
  • 盖伦
  • 医生
  • 拉丁语
  • Galen 盖伦:
    ( 130?~200?),希腊解剖学家、内科医生和作家,其著作对中世纪的医学有决定性影响。


galen[ 'ɡeilin ]

  • n.Greek anatomist whose theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance (circa 130-200)


GA2LEN skin test study I: GA²LEN harmonization of skin prick testing: novel sensitization patterns for inhalant allergens in Europe
Galen's prophecy: Temperament in human nature.
Important research questions in allergy and related diseases: 3-chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis - a GALEN study
Standard skin prick testing and sensitization to inhalant allergens across Europe--a survey from the GALEN network.
Galen's Prophecy: Temperament in human nature
Development and implementation of guidelines in allergic rhinitis - an ARIA-GA²LEN paper
Pharmacovigilance of drug allergy and hypersensitivity using the ENDA-DAHD database and the GALEN platform. The Galenda project.
Parkes Weber syndrome, vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation, and other fast-flow vascular anomalies are caused by RASA1 mutations ...
Aneurysms of the vein of Galen: embryonic considerations and anatomical features relating to the pathogenesis of the malformation.
Aneurysms of the vein of Galen. Experience at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.