
ceiling catalogue cash cartel cap call loan business bullish bull budget bourse bounty bounce bottom bonus blue-sky blue chip blank check black monday black-market black economy bis bilateral big-ticket big board bearish bearer bear basic barter bargain bankruptcy bankrupt bankroll bank balance average auditor audit ATM asset assess arbitrage appropriate appreciate antitrust antidumping amortize aggregate affinity advance ad valorem additional tax across the board accountant account accommodation wrong written law writ work farm witness wildcat warrant vouch voluntary viper violence violate vindicate villain vilify victim verdict venue vendor vendee vagrancy unwarranted unrepentant unlicensed unlawful unfair undue underworld uncensored unauthorized tutor try tribunal trial treason traffic track down torture torso thug threaten threat third degree thief theft terrorist terror temporal technical tax evasion tax dodger tail tacit sworn swindler swindle suspect Supreme Court summons summary suitcase suffocate subpoena strike strangle stowaway stool pigeon stickup statutory statute stab squad car snatch smuggler smuggle smoking smasher slay skyjack sitting sift shoplift separation sentence search seajack scour Scotland Yard scotch verdict scene scandal safety roundup rogues' gallery rob riot act reverse revenue cutter retroactive retribution reprieve remand home remand release recourse recidivist recidivism rearrest read the Riot Act rape ransack rampant racketeer racket quod queer punitive punishable public prowl car prostitution prostitute prosecute proof proceeding proceed probationer private prison prima facie preventive presumption presiding judge prejudge precedent pornography police point duty poetic justice plunder plead obsolescence planned plaintiff plainclothesman plagiarist plagiarism probation piracy pilfer pickpocket philanderer petit personal perpetrate perjury pending penalty penal payoff patent passport parricide paralegal pale wagon paddy pacificator outlaw onerous offender offence notorious nonappearance nonage nightrider negligent homicide necklace necessity dragnet narcotic narco nail nab murderess murderer incorporated murder municipal moral molest modus operandi mob