
rebound real Ready money rate raise quota quick assets quantum push money pull the plug protective promissory note profiteer profit principal price premium preemption pound postindustrial postal postage poo point petty petrodollar pecuniary payment pay parity par paper panic paid overdue outright outlay opening oil offer oapec note nosedive nominal net negotiate negative national narrow naked multination multinational multilateral mortgage monopoly monopolistic monopolism money monetary mixed mint minimum merge merchant megabuck medium market margin management manage macroeconomics lump-sum lull low long-term Lombard Street loan listed liquidate liquid liberalize levy leverage level off layoff knockdown kitty kite kickback kerb jump jumbo jumble invoice invitation invisible investment inventory intrapreneur international internal revenue interest interbank insurance instalment influx inflationary inflation industrial indexation index increment inconvertible income inactive import impact imbalance hypothecate holder hidden tax hard hallmark guideline group of ten gross Great Depression GNP glamour GATT future fund front money fringe benefit freight freeze forward foreign floor floating float flat fixed fiscal financier financial finance Federal Reserve Bank favoured favourable face value export expenditure eximbank exemption excise exchange excess euro estimate estate duty embargo eec economy economics economic easy ease earmark duty-free duty dumping dull dual drawing drawback dragon downturn downtrend dow-jones average domestic dollar document dividend distrain dishonor discriminating discount disburse direct differential developing country developed country devaluation depression depreciation deposit demand deflation deflate deficit deferred payment deductible deduct declarable debt debit debenture deal dead cut-price cutback customs currency curb cross rate creditor credit cost convertible convertibility contractor contract consumption consumer consortium conglomerate confirming bank concessionary compound complimentary competitive compensation common market commodity commercialism commercial collapse capitalism closing clearinghouse clearing city man circulate burn churn check cheap money chartered Certified Public Accountant