Listen to This:2 英语中级听力词汇表

Listen to This:2 英语中级听力词汇表
accommodation computerize module batch component crew shuttle orbit equator celestial virtually menace appalling habitat dramatic acid polar dioxide carbon atmosphere manufacturer desperately savannah cane nuclear energy Stone Age North Sea marvin optimistic flexible hydroelectric plutonium terrorism disposal compensation radioactivity evacuate oil rig conserve fossil pessimistic vance affirmative unfettered genova Italian Italy pompeii New Zealand Australia agriculture hook systematically licence delicacy pesto ridiculous cone bucket polythene shin ladder archaeology recipe experiment resist appreciate competition establishment permanent venture domestic chef sauce forest nottingham arsenal Liverpool Geneva cannes air force the Atlantic Thompson fantasy Croydon jaguar Chicago vitamin counter metabolism immune depression rhythm complication interaction combat senile exaggerate semi-final ruby emerald estimate ethnic blaze rage cockpit formation surge trample stadium getaway patrol raid windscreen constable aviation stampede proficient counterpart henry jan the House of Commons Downing Street Bruce symbolic imply draughtsman couch stamp unjustified valid intelligence exclusive clap boo vocation demonstration eventually railing governess militant suffragette Birmingham vera barge dekko milkman advert settee snore bawl legislation sensible Navajo Pueblo yucca Roquefort cheese Latin dairy deliberately enzyme flavour ultimately dissemination texture coagulate bland unpalatable biochemical microorganism micro-organism conceal sane psychopathology neurotic borderline conflict psychoanalysis extract Bangladesh saunders Daniel pannier second hand robot bolt go nuts nut assembly croft preventative rehabilitate judicial crackerjack deterrent penalty execute revert interim transaction monetize tony coke midget washing-up lethargy non-existent superficial compliment clergyman barman berk youngster gape unnerving scout circus razor bearded manchester harold Antarctic Piccadilly perugia naples Florence rival disturbance opponent impact mask ram ambush cable shatter avalanche speculation bert trap Arthur boarding school polemic self-discipline fanatic vicious bloke thug irrelevant coherent