
give in a series of have got to in trouble at an end right away set up ever since suffer from set down on purpose now that on time in time stare at long before before long set off dress up in advance pick out badly off up to now rid of come across refer to crowd in in place leave out apart from put up with on the whole come about get into in spite of due to settle in in all turn around test out meet with as well as sit around adapt to date back at most show in hang on dive into set about ring up cast down pay off apply for take in mark out keep up live on regular permanent temporary pessimistic optimistic cautious fiercely strictly frequently extremely available convenient private personal national historical cultural modern ancient arbitrary easygoing accessible naughty lovely miserable relaxed comfortable upset nervous scared amazed astonishing surprising horrible terrible disabled healthy mentally physically mental physical narrow broad wide potential negative possible considerate considerable imaginary artificial man-made natural essential satisfied disappointed successful settle strengthen expand announce broadcast spread ruin destroy break record cover reform change develop found create invent rebuild imagine attract lose win drop rise weigh measure release absorb remove reduce decrease increase sub range participant organizer volunteer applicant policy strategy data survey flood death damage prevention rescue survivor disaster frequency speed total average experiment attempt possibility ability reply caution usage disagreement agreement similarity difference achievement significance influence customer event treatment settlement demand consumption production product loss profit cost price tax rate import export expense income offer supply discovery discouragement courage relative partner period age times experience item content mark grade degree memory characteristic character nature behaviour action intention expectation passion emotion affection feeling sense interest landscape surroundings preference hobby spot climate staff position location address profession job occupation female male sex nation manager businessman style