
platform plat plastic surgery plastic sugar pitcher physicist physics pitch in pitch physical physically philosophy philosopher philanthropy catch philanthropist phenomena phenomenon pharmaceutical pharmacy pharmacist petition pesticide pet pest draw up perspective personally person personal persistent persistence persist proportion percent percentage crosswalk zebra crossing zebra pedestrian crossing crossing pedestrian paid payment patience patiently patient passport passionless passionate passional fuse passion passion fruit partly pat particle part pajama pajamas painful painfully kill time killing killed kill killer painkiller pain field paddy ownership owner qualification qualified quantity quality qualify overqualified overdose conquer inlook outlook extrovert extroverted extra socialize sociable ingoing indoor indoors outdoors outgoing outdoor otherwise orphan orphanage organized organic transplant organ donor be optimistic about pessimist pessimistic optimist optimistic take a chance take the chance seize the opportunity take chances size seize opportunity supporting support supporter opposition opposed oppose opponent have an operation operate undergo operation toward towards narrow narrow-minded mine mind open-minded open mind old-fashioned old fashioned offense offensive offend obedience obedient nurture nutrition nutritious in this day and age these days today now nowadays notice note notable nonstop non no however but nevertheless nonetheless negligence neglectful neglect position negate negation necessitate nationality multiple nationally mudslide mud muddy motto moonless moist moisture moisturize moisturizer modesty modest mistreatment treatment treat treat to mistreat mishandle MIS misery miser miserable minority majorly majority major minor millennium down town town downtown uptown midtown mid organization organize organ organism microorganism microphone mic method motif metaphor go round merry-go-round merry go round married marry merry only just merely mere merchandise merchant mental chant mentally memorization memorize memorial meerkat medicative medication medicine medical mechanism kat measure measurement meal meat meaningful meaning mean means meant ment be meant for ministry minister minimum