
replay relay prefer a to b prefer attributed to be exposed to be subjected to mentality turmoil boycott calamity disaster catastrophe trigger due to caused by chronic difference gender autopsy biopsy pharmacist pharmacy capsule tablet pill injection prescription prescribe diagnose checkup communicator family doctor GP make a reservation make an appointment abdominal stomach upset stomachache headache high temperature fever cough sneeze stuffed running flu influenza cold be characterized by catch a cold fall in terminal incurable intervention prevention protect conformity etiology epidemiology epidemic hepatitis liver handicap cardiovascular disease cardiovascular arteriosclerosis arterial vein artery clot thrombus bleed aneurism arrest heart attack death rate incidence be harmful to impact life style conducive conductive successive consecutive medical community perilous dangerous virus bacterium bacterial puzzle bewilder confuse replace refresh jolly cracking racking rejoicing rocking involuntary perplex embarrass exaggerate exasperate culprit interfere with interface intervene in intervene forbid prohibit inhibit damage harm wound hurt injure impair fatality fatal deadly lethal lethargy organ tissue fibre fresh muscular muscle maintenance illness sickness aliment malaise metastasis buffet alienate quarantine lose contact with pull off traffic accident adduce effectiveness efficacy inefficacious attractive lure insidious insane sound sane insanitary diabetes heart disease physical activity ageing cause do harm to influence effect inactivity obesity fatigue fat lifestyle diet eating physical exercise death disease health in a word in conclusion to conclude to sum up in summary placebo at length medication at a stretch anti-depressant hump bump mental disorder mental depression swell skin rash itch irritate sluggish irritation throat nausea drowsiness dizziness diarrhea abnormality come true come with traumatic hypnotize hypersomnia hypertension insomnia hold true sleep disorder humor frustrated symptom complaint be under the weather quack dismiss hospitalize vomit up blood tear urine sputum sperm mucus saliva keep pace with taste touch smell sight vision hearing sensory system sensory CNS intestine gastric lymphatic mutative hallucinate exhale inhale breathe out breathe in sweat perspire respirator respiratory perceive