Sleeping with the Enemy 与敌共眠词汇表

Sleeping with the Enemy 与敌共眠词汇表
intern mobilize autocratic monarchy caveat indict postal Lausanne imminent Algeria oran gaillard comtesse on good terms unequivocal domicile steamer procure go-between baroness baronne assignment seizure divorcee embroil herewith mallorca majorca amicably Strasbourg darmstadt admiral rear illegible decree homogeneous dissident Balkans differentiate repudiate Marseille belgrade staunch frenzy Nuremberg supervise bizarre refuge carousel sedative grief loll prowess prostrate persecution demon depict espadrille sketch intoxicate houseful assiduous rabble bonnet phrygian marianne martyr eternal irrational supercharge elitist newsheet vogue erotica illustrator Basque chandelier cuisine haute austere suite bizerte mandate Tunisia accreditation boulevard abwehr accredited van pouch voluminous courier roadster backbone nonchalant propagandist provocative ruby beehive bib stud turquoise sapphire cluster medallion rhinestone opulent vaporous collaborator feeble versailles chicanery penury swindle litany cosmetic cannily vehement scoff cross-eyed taut debonair cornice deceitful huff hype ballyhoo sojourn signage dictate sexiness diva coterie mogul infantile kitsch lounge rigorous dressmaker fluff exuberant sound stage orgie pastor newsreel docile pious obsequious fulsome gawk caviar newshound flashbulb whisk atomizer influenza eloquent brunette cuff knit manifest knot pederast snobbish whimsical clique heterosexual threesome sinister trio inseparable manipulative sculptress delectable libertine debauchery waistline slinky unisex synch talkie slur pejorative ghetto distaste expertise ready-to-wear lagging nautical fussy purveyor surreal surrealism divertissement organdy pique debutant multimillionaire disingenuous ambiance zucchini sundown picnic swap pedigree credential bankroll haven pastime thyme sage rosemary bountiful undercover sublime tremor slowdown usher on-and-off maginot line personification simian dowdy gawky callous toboggan notoriety immense gravity repel captivate cut-and-dried booze carouse latent swarthy gem emerald breathtaking souvenir gondola presentiment relent cleric beset orthodox imp mischievous extravagance canopy