白鲸 Moby Dick: or the White Whale词汇表

白鲸 Moby Dick: or the White Whale词汇表
denunciation ardour caprice riotous bilious bedevil self-deception fawn maltreat disciple apprise vicar manifesto freshet apostolic laudanum scaramouch fanatic walnut youngish totality notability quarantine conscientious incorruptible trapdoor vest-pocket untainted abeam lotus interdict subterraneous untoward discolour desecrate pounce peradventure ween speckled joyous waft rood rapacious insatiate behead orthodoxy amber surtout skirting undecipherable palisade retentive hieroglyphical observant integument isinglass shred unmarred preposterous outermost consistence assuage unfurnished heaver swordsman uniformly rind nailhead hawser entrails disembowel marksman foamy maggot unaccustomed incalculable massacre indite gander bloat gourmand provident biped abhorrence unctuous reproachful epicure calf delectable depreciate doughnut fritter mouldy vintage partake monk veal barbacue ejaculation stead cutlet souse grizzled gizzard ticklish sulk demeanor dis parson continuation testily cussed shrill scrouge coax moderation civilly shindy overdo morsel reddish galley shamble glee epicurean conciliate expediency jovial gayer congregate quarrelsome longingly countersink symmetrical unassailable scoop smacking mastication mumble sideboard defray palate intemperate quiescence lobe bullock dissatisfaction argosy tandem ineffectual concur curvet skittish thenceforth cord hurler disrate crotch bawl uttermost respiration dilate spasmodical imperil flurry spiracle inhaul ceaseless bailer piggin blistering splutter tranquillity majestical spoke luff wakeful enchanter vapoury trough glossy pendulum poker serpentine buoyancy whizz halter burgher noose hangman repartee mirth marrow sportive contortion writhe mystification chock reeve concentric aesthetic supersede durability stiffen pliable impregnate disgorge perceptible hapless innumerable furlong pulpy stiletto disentangle spectre stagnant unattended languid encompass verdant cannibalism brilliance unapparent overrun overlay tigress spawn brag befallen unsocial specialty overgrowth blacken swath sluggish fabled fasces effulgent starry expanding chronicle ruffed incognita intersect amphitheatrical petrified ribby knocker suggestive workmanlike