新概念英语1-4册 单词总汇词汇表

新概念英语1-4册 单词总汇词汇表
air-resistance squirrel paratrooper windowsill high-rise independence feline submissive mysterious affectionate fascinate monk Easter skier privacy enclosure watchdog st. bernard monastery spokeswoman identify Newcastle safekeeping oven microwave fiance chew mutilate pain white-collar frequently indeed happen to fled rubber spear genuine particular particularly icy reduce cot rash horn arrange obtain telegram republic overall frequent despite represent clay silent similar investigate wild ashtray scramble raid staff blare headlight velvet background necklace jewellery Piccadilly arcade smash-and-grab status secret shower corporation dustman privilege sacrifice collar manual originally fire impatient fax publish president journalist statistics extreme editor identity graceful full-length hip reconstruct classical fragment sacred worship drainage storey civilization prosperous promontory explore Aegean archaeologist goddess torchlight raise equal disturb somehow convince cling print trail corner human being blackberry hunt oblige accumulate evidence puma guid fellow encourage accustom reluctant special symbol eiffel bell command descend awkward unfortunately lay out spectacle lantern festival Good heavens set on fire shot definitely basement heaven embassy drily extinguisher fire extinguisher frightful ambassador fantasy against compete compete against popular be popular with gasp yard tricycle underwater weight Los Angeles pedestal site transport framework support copper actual sculptor liberty statue monument noble tone sarcastic shed ladder fast make up make out keep track of make for binoculars spy royal balloon more and more North Sea crew factor skate cod variety whale shark cage wit oil rig diver terrify giant overfish chip a slip of the tongue advertiser artiste dull queue comedy cheerful roar steering wheel speed boat pupil unwilling condition due lost temper exactly silver tail eventually ordinary lose heart run out of keep in touch with as it is rescue operation smoothly progress lower beneath layer capsule drill collapse vibration explosive surface on time at the time confirm employer inspector commit alibi