新概念英语1-4册 单词总汇词汇表

新概念英语1-4册 单词总汇词汇表
curtain pattern pretend critic art at last wonder foreigner several porter railway wick probably determine inn honesty contain wicked complain sympathetic upset work on district strange modern complete dream of channel age drive out of come into use determined sum reason mad interested at all instead of realize waste boot fisherman might as well at any moment what a pity sadly exclaim ticket office hurry give back give up give away give in pay the bill bill landlord pub costume have to grown up spite in spite of sock stocking bright stage appear Portsmouth hall remind take care of pay attention to street street sign police traffic police however obey reminder area traffic irritable look up interrupt weak nervous secretary neither of either of as soon as apart journey language reply experience amusing keep order as usual occasion performance singer pop club pop singer group Atlantic important proud harbour sail captain luck borrow wage salary lawyer deserve turn belong to touch allow shock string damage recently clavichord instrument musical jazz refer to refer town hall laugh refuse shout gather welcome prize Africa Perth darwin visit spent everybody everyone enter for wooden path neat competition keep guard sand stone precious guard airfield main steal diamond parcel valuable expect airport detective knock over knock off ask for stand on in return for beggar to spare up to now service part spare spare part request distance message pigeon centre different firm receive a few words single whole decision lend waiter friendly public museum spoil postcard just then repeat aunt outside until get angry none of your business pay attention turn round go to the theatre rudely business bear attention angry seat theatre private march greet your car better nuisance news joke handwriting winner time lovely vegetable bus stop church aspirin English Indian butter good north youth clever employee wear try pretty carry sharp are stomach ache the U.S. drink me impossible Toyota medicine