
get-rich-quick make money frugal rich lavish upstart lotto investment speculation dissipate real estate stock market salary financial withdraw balance bank account defaulter credit card mortgage loan moneylender usury annual interest rate principal installment time deposit interest rate bank interest save mint coin check bill currency forge circulate counterfeit insolvent niggardly miser spend money property intersection taillight pileup transportation keep in mind at ease get lost automobile viaduct thoroughfare cross hit-and-run wheel sidewalk crosswalk windshield hood bumper run over skid ABS slam jaywalking traffic light pedestrian driver traffic license unlicensed rest area yard wrecking tow away ambulance pull over shoulder traffic congestion dead end place terrace drive street avenue boulevard speed limit lane motorway exit traffic sign roadmap sign interstate highway freeway highway ticket speeding toll national highway expressway economy communication harbor road infrastructure overthrow constituent majority rule tyranny political party politician make a face pentagon the secretary of state foreign minister cabinet unicameral house senate bicameral party legislature judicature executive president general election parliament congress Opposition Party ruling party assemblyman national assembly bribe candidate vote election democracy junta coup regime democratic despotic government dynasty republic people monarchy abdicate accede king politics private warship surprise attack camouflage disarmament declaration outbreak armament warfare at stake hit on at gunpoint life and death in total take pride in refugee occupied ally commander defense national army war correspondent wartime peaceful post exchange recruit barracks discharge honorable missile weapon emancipation surrender atomic bomb detonate war criminal gas chamber camp civilian bombing aerial massacre genocide casualty prisoner of war cold war military campaign allied forces tactics field marshal foe admiral citation prowess aircraft battleship tank pilot military air force navy army death soldier troop battle repulse invasion peace war syllabus educator recess playground have an effect on take part in make sure fall behind be based on bring about hold true give away intelligence lesson timetable full marks textbook knowledge curriculum memorization pass SS written examination extracurricular private school question