
biohazard steam engine combustion petroleum resource renewable solar energy nuclear energy stir up quit smoking NGO Greenpeace ecosystem acid rain pollutant ozone layer ultraviolet ray freon climate change greenhouse effect deforestation natural disaster organic food endocrine disruptor eco-friendly garbage can trash litter noise pollution noxious passive smoking carcinogen fossil fuel air pollution smog toxic gas gasoline unleaded exhaust pipe exhaust gas contaminate conservation disruption global village environment global warming stellar shooting star nova lunar UFO in step arise from turn around meteorite asteroid comet Mars Venus Mercury Neptune Saturn titanic Titan uranology Uranus Jupiter orbit Pluto solar system heavenly bodies nebula the Milky Way the north star constellation telescope revolve rotate axis satellite moon planet earth alien fixed star star big bang genesis universe fluorescent lamp current electron power plant turn off double-edged sword plug facility radiation atomic energy electromagnetic cellular phone biotechnology stem cell clone embryo life science science technology scientific spam e-mail cyber hacking powerhouse ubiquitous laptop computer wireless network high-speed off-line on-line e-commerce Internet computer civilization appliance air conditioner power failure alchemy law of gravitation chemical experiment test tube beaker laboratory scientist genius inventive bulb kerosene static electricity civilized society electricity entrepreneur customs union trade-off trade gap trade barrier morale vote for one and only abound in protective delivery order bill of lading bill of exchange carrier shipment shipping document invoice correspondent bank beneficiary issuing bank contract payment LC buyer seller transaction offshoring margin comparative advantage retaliatory tariff fluctuation deficit balance of trade trade surplus product fringe benefit piece rate artisan marketing equipment depression domestic consumption enterprise GDP corporation moratorium IMF foreign currency competitive WTO tariff free trade GATT arbitrate friction caravan merchant silk road CEO trade export raw material crude oil import self-sufficiency natural resource proceeds monopoly leverage yield jackpot bear market bull market return rate Fund manager indirect fund venture intrinsic value option future over-the-counter listed stock exchange day trading blue chip municipal government bond corporate bond bond portfolio security jumping sound shareholder stock misappropriate profitability asset invest banknote collateral advance debt pocket money default change hard cash