
self-study professor tutor pupil graduate exam outcast bully high school adolescent alternative dropout suspend runaway play truant middle school graduation ceremony notebook partner classmate representative homework homeroom teacher elementary school public education instruct academic kindergarten nursery school teacher admonish alumni schoolmate well-bred discipline rear classroom school schooling education fraternity sorority research thesis semester mentor tuition spring to mind skip class acupuncture herb doctor oriental pharmacist pharmacy medicine genetic engineering environmental ecology engineering computer engineering electric engineer civil engineering astronomer astronomy botany zoology ornithology entomology biology chemistry doctor master graduate school physics applied science pure science natural science scholar degree demography statistics mathematics geometry geology geography economics administration business sociology social science archeology anthropology aesthetics ethics metaphysics epistemology ontology philosophy poetry diplomat subject cultural major transfer student council senior junior sophomore freshman credit department aptitude college scholarship bootleg blackmail fraud transgress punishment on the run freeze to death precisely make public Supreme Court appeal death penalty life imprisonment perjury defendant civil trial charge the accused forensic contempt of court inquest assistant judge acquit verdict jury prosecutor lawyer the bar courtroom deserter imprison prison trial custody jail warrant court investigation detective detention police station detain suspect fetter handcuff arrest rod questioning patrol prize assassin assassinate brutal homicide witness manslaughter burglar robber hole up theft shoplift pickpocket molest sexual harassment castrate statutory hijacker hostage hijack abduction kidnap ransom burglary robbery murder rape misdemeanor felony offense police officer juvenile delinquent convict culprit collude accomplice criminal offender commit crime illegal unconstitutional constitution law folklore convention tradition ethnic race heritage blow one's nose all of a sudden make a mistake fade away violate greet revere elder courtesy taboo ominous superstition hereditary funeral greeting aborigine proper tribe primitive custom habit society humanity descendant ancestor in-law monogamy bestman bridesmaid separation widower widow fall in love by coincidence single parent