
MTR underground tube metro subway coin ticket office bus ticket continental breakfast check out check in front desk fare taxi on foot customs pick up baggage claim immigration landing occupied in-flight flight attendant final call walkway duty free exchange take off Security Check baggage window seat aisle seat boarding pass passport ticket airline check-in see off transportation hub airport book reserve hotel one-way ticket round-trip ticket visa globalization honey honeymoon bohemian tramp vagabond role playing historic site safari cruise pleasure boat voyage homeless journeyman journey tour trip travel agency travel backpack run away field trip contest performance hunt outgoing excursion picnic traffic congestion traffic jam downtown miner recreation bikini beach scuba diving resort leisure golf course golf skating rink ice skating inline skating Rollerblade FIFA ranking cheering red devil soccer marathon diachronic anachronistic synchronise synchronized swimming the Olympic Games wrestling event badminton taekwondo archery sports Constitution Day movement walk gymnastics workout exercise plastic discount haggle convenience store installment plan cash on credit store on-line dutch auction suction fixed price size brand favorite dear costly expensive authentic genuine imitation fake duty free shop out of stock sold out merchandise clearance sale retail price bargain sale cart wholesale price department store shopping stop drinking barf throw up pass away pass out black out buzz tipsy on the rocks whisky beer bar hangover alcohol receipt Fifty-fifty split the bill go Dutch service charge wipe napkin medium rare beefsteak order menu to go hamburger fast food crowd make a reservation cut in line stand in line restaurant eat out boil fry bake broil chop slice beat carve peel pour grate leftover soup side dish scramble soft-boiled poach set the table steam nutrient rinse wash cereal macerate rice noodle desert dessert appetizer starve to death hungry in season onion fat fresh vegetable toast grill lettuce pork supermarket market astringent rice cooker trash can garbage can recipe chef cookery cooker cook thick beat up stir insipid tasteless soy sauce mustard hot pepper salty pungent season condiment bitter oriental herb doctor orange